The art of gift giving is a tricky one. Anyone who believes the old adage "'tis better to give than to receive" was never on the receiving end of a double signed second party cheque for $15.67 ( a gift from my old girlfriend's mother and father....I swear), or a cassette tape of "Rob McConnell and his Boss Brass" ( a gift from my old girlfriend....). My bride of the past twenty years, however, has always had a flair for being generous and buying the most thoughtful of gifts.
In the early 90's my wife gave my a "Grundig" portable short wave radio.I was always fascinated by listening to "American talk" radio personalities. That's when I first heard Rush Limbaugh.
In the 90's Limbaugh was considered nothing more than an overweight Republican windbag. The more that he criticized the Clinton's, global warming and "feminists" ( which he coined " femi-Nazi's" ), the more he seemed to be treated like a circus freak: Someone who no one really cared about or loved, but someone who people would throw money at because they were fascinated by the grotesque.
The radio was subsequently misplaced, probably by one of our many moves, or maybe it fell on the dung heap of obsolescence. Who knows? The radio may be gone, but Limbaugh lives on.
While surfing the 'net a few months ago, I came across a New York station that was only more than happy to indulge Rush for more than three hours while he spewed his trash talk about: women ( If something goes wrong in government, it's been " chick-a-fied", or scrutinized by a woman ), Obama ( his relatives live in huts in Africa), Nancy Pelosi ( "Nazi" Pelosi ), and socialized medicine ( " Our forefathers fought so we wouldn't have to go through this type of thing folks"...What that means I have no idea. ) Don't get me wrong: Free speech is something that your humble author is willing to fight for, but this is simply offensive and irritating. But the thing that scares me the most: Some Republicans are saying that Limbaugh is the "unofficial" head of the Republican party.
Can you believe it? A radio talk show host who spews this vitriol? Do you mean to tell me that the leadership of the Republican party is so rudderless that it turns to this type of of pompous dork to be it's leader? Jesus, what a sad state of affairs.
This really scared the hell of me. If only this type of narrow minded radio personality could be misplaced like that Grundig radio.