Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Hamid Karzai: Why didn't we see this coming?...

Ah, back to the keyboard again after a long respite.
For those of you who have loved ones serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, or have a friend in the Forces, or have a raging urge to see Taliban smashed into a thousand tiny pieces, this news item should stir you somewhat:
That swarmy "snake oil salesman",anti-woman's rights, fun lovin' " cum" leader of Afghanistan was on the news today. Hamid Karzai, the democratically "elected" leader of Afghanistan has been complaining to the international media about " international influence" in his beloved country. According to Karzai, if it doesn't stop soon "he will be siding with Taliban".
That's right. Siding with the Taliban. The same Taliban that is trying to kill his fat, ungrateful ass. The same Taliban that stones women for wearing makeup, the same Taliban that sheltered Bin Laden, the same Taliban that the Canadian Armed Forces has lost so many brave men and women to.
But, as North Americans we shouldn't be surprised. The CIA funded and trained the Afghanistan resistance fighters to expel the Soviets in the 70's and the 80's. Once their will was broken and they retreated like the British and the Huns, the resistance fighters turned their Kalashnikov's on the very people who trained them to fight in the first place. This is simply a case of the US getting in bed with another leader who charmed them into thinking that no one understood Asia like he did, only to turn on them like a crack ho who somehow feels underpaid and under appreciated for services rendered. In this case, the only service that was rendered was the fleecing of the Canadian taxpayer with their hard earned money and the blood of their children to what they thought was the backing of a noble cause.
Hopefully Prime Minister Harper will see this so-called leader for what he is: Another self serving oaf with a grudge towards anything from the West but the colour of our money.
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