Oh man,it's been so long since I've blogged. Sorry, I've been dealing with some health issues.
He's Michael Moore's lastest X-mas message. This guy has nuts the size of canal horse.
Some original stuff in the a.m. , I swear.
Merry Christmas to All ...from Michael Moore
Saturday, December 25th, 2010
Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas (or a Merry Everything) and hope you are all well today.
Here's a good thought from the writer William Rivers Pitt:
"Before Santa and presents and shopping and all the attendant Christmas (stuff) got involved, this holiday was enshrined to commemorate a guy who got nailed to a tree for daring to tell people to be kind to one another. If you have two cloaks, He said, give one away. Remember those who have less than you, be charitable, be good, be merciful."
Hear, hear.
Michael Moore