Today Peta showed me a " YouTube" video of Ann Coulter being interviewed by the CBC. Coulter, for those who don't know, is an American, Republican "ultra right winger", media darling. She was infamous for saying that the widows of "9/11" were wallowing in self-pity, and that: " If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen."
Anyway, the video shows Coulter ranting on Fox TV that the USA should just "roll over on Canada". Then the video cuts to a CBC reporter asking Coulter what she meant by that comment. Coulter comes out swinging and says:"It's about when Canada was a friend of the United States...Like when we were in Vietnam, Canada sent troops to help us....". The reporter, hardly able to contain his laughter, says:" We didn't send troops to Vietnam". Coulter, non plussed, says : "Yes, you did..I'm sure of it". Again the reporter says: "No, we didn't...". Coulter, always the one to try and have the last word, replies: "Well , I'll have to check and get back to you on that". According to the CBC, Coulter has not responded to her obvious lack of education on the Vietnam war.
How can Fox TV or the Republicans endorse this woman?If this was a black woman or an Hispanic male that had made these stupid comments, the Republicans would be all over them. Or as my daughter Peta said: "Dad, even I could be a better political spokesperson than this woman...And I'm still in high school". Sad, but oh so true.
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