Last night I ended up in the emergency ward with my middle daughter Bella. The poor stoic thing lay in bed with a high fever for most of the day, and ended up e-mailing her aunt with her symptoms. My sister-in-law, suspecting swine flu, called me at my work and I ended up leaving work early to tend to my daughter. Swine fly or "H1N1" is hitting the Province of Ontario very hard this winter, with not much relief in sight.
When we arrived in the emergency ward, it looked a scene that Dickens might have written about so many years ago: People with tired, sunken faces were clinging to moaning children who complained that they were " hot",Grown men holding their parents hands saying: "Don't worry Mom, it won't be to much longer now",and frustrated nurses trying to calm patients by saying "Yes, I know you've been waiting a long time, but the flu season is here and you'll have to be patient". It was not an uplifting sight.
Finally around 1900 hrs, we were examined by a young doctor who alleviated my fears: Bella did not have H1N1, but simply had a viral bug that was knocking her out. "Besides", the doctor said " A healthy young person like Bella is not a candidate for the "tamiflu" shot. It's usually given to young people under five and the elderly. Bella is young and in good shape, so she will be fine". After thanking the doctor profusely I brought Bella home, gave her a dose of children's medicine and put her to bed.
I went downstairs and started reading a story on the 'net about the Calgary Flames NHL hockey team. According to news sources in Calgary, the Flames have all had their H1N1 flu shot under the watchful eye of the Province of Alberta's health ministry. The people of Alberta, rightfully incensed, are asking how these healthy young men got a vaccine whilst the rest of the taxpaying population in Alberta has been waited to obtain the vaccine through their local health unit. However, I have to ask: What is everyone in the Calgary Flames thinking?
The H1NI swine flu is killing people everywhere in Canada. Thousands of Albertans line up to get their shots, and these overpaid gorillas get preferential treatment? Did the team doctor not stop to say: "Hey guys, you're pretty healthy, so this might not be necessary right now?". Did someone in the front office not think: "You know this might not look very good and this time"?. Did the players themselves not ask: " Why do I need this? I'm in good shape"? Are these selfish young men living in such an insular world that they have no friends or family that are concerned with the lack of H1N1 vaccine for the truly susceptible? Apparently not. When the press descended upon the players and management they were given the old "Well,we keep a hectic schedule, we get sick" Huh? All kinds of people travel for their job, you morons. What a lame excuse for selfish behaviour.
Good luck with that Cup run guys. I hope the fans in Alberta remember who put the "swine" in "swine flu".
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