Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin scares the hell out of me too...

I love bitchy women. Any man with half a watt who denies that he loves a bitchy woman, is a liar. I don't mean whiny women who complain to their hubbies that they're tired or they're fat or that their 10 minute routine at "Curves" is killing them. I'm talking about a well heeled, intellectually gifted, self motivated woman who doesn't turn to goo at the site of a dead animal, doesn't read a book because Oprah told her to, and doesn't shake her head like a bobbing head doll every time you express an opinion on religion, sex or politics. My bride of twenty years and I may not agree on everything, but I have to respect her for all her tenacity when it comes to a difference of opinion.

When Sarah Palin first appeared in HD on my Sony Bravia, it was hard for me not to, as Jimmy Carter once put it, "commit adultery in my heart". The summer of 2008 was winding down and Republican Senator John McCain had picked Palin to be his running mate for his run to the White House. Palin had a reputation for being abrupt, direct, and well informed on environmental issues. Palin also cut a striking figure on CNN: That auburn wind whipped hair, those "Dr Melphi" glasses, the Helen like jaw, those tight fitting jackets, those red heels, and that government job in Alaska. What Canadian guy, no matter what his lot in life, wouldn't get hot at the site of Sarah?

Unfortunately I got brought down in spades once Governor Palin opened her heart shaped mouth. It all started with the infamous interview with Katie Couric in September of 2008. Couric, who is not exactly the Barbara Frum of tenacious interviewers, made Palin look like exactly what she has turned out to be: Another vapid hockey mom from Alaska.

For those of you who didn't see the interview, here is a small excerpt:

Couric basically hands Sarah her head on a platter. The woman that I thought displayed an aura of self confidence and sensual bitchiness, turned out to be an inept dunce who gave answers that would embarrass a terminated Wal Mart employee. The interviewed aired to much fanfare and the rest,as they say, is history. McCain and Palin went down in a ball of flames, Obama became a media darling, the Democrats went on to the White House, and most self respecting Republicans caught the last Amtrak out of Washington. I thought that Sarah would no longer grace the lines of resolution on my Bravia, but alas, it was not to be.

Palin has since given up her job as governor of Alaska, has "written" a book, and is taking her show in the road. Even a Grade 5 schoolgirl knows that this is a veiled bid for the White House in 2012, but Palin vehemently denies it.

Palin's book "Going Rogue", is already on most bestsellers list and she is still portraying herself as the God fearing hockey mom from Alaska. ( On her recent stop to Michigan she said to a crowd of well wishers: "Alaska is a lot like Michigan with it's huntin' and fishin' and hockey mom's")

Sarah, her buddy Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of her ilk scare the hell out of me. How can any political party worth their weight in oats take this woman seriously?

Is this the best bitchy woman the Republicans can give the voters of the US?

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